Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hot Kitty! Cat Safety in Warm Weather

If you live in a climate that has sticky, hot, summer days, you may find yourself longing for cooler days. Your cat will definitely agree! In warm weather, it is necessary for you to care for your cat’s health so that he or she does not become overheated. Remember, a pet is like a newborn baby. Your cat cannot tell you that he or she is hot or uncomfortable. You have to notice warning signs and provide a good living environment so that your cat does not get too hot.

When you take your pet out during the summer, never ever leave your cat inside of a parked car, even for a short time. Cars quickly become ovens in the summertime, even when you park in the shade, or even if you have the windows cracked. Your pet will not be able to alert people in order to get out of your car safely. In as little as ten minutes, your pet could die from the heat in a parked car, and parking in the shade does little good to prevent this, since the sun continuously moves and the heat of the air alone will be bad for your pet.

When the heat index is high, keep your cats inside. Cats that are not outdoors most of the time won’t know where the cooler places to hide, or if they find these cooler places, they might not want to return home :). Hot asphalt can also wreak havoc to your cat’s health, as it can burn his sensitive paw pads. If your cat does not use a litter box and instead goes outside, make sure that he is let back inside after only a few minutes on the hottest days of the summer. Basically, if it is recommended that seniors and children stay inside, it is good for pets to stay indoors as well.

Keep your cat well groomed during the summer as well. Brushing you cat often will help get rid of the excess hair that has been shed and is weighing down the animal. If your cat has very long hair or is overweight, provide him with an air-conditioned room if possible.

As always, make sure your cat has access to clean, fresh water.

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