Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cat Breed Information: Siamese

Siamese Cat is one of the most exotic cat breed. I wrote about it previously that this cat was once the breed of choice for the royalty of Thailand. Anyway, found another interesting article on Siamese cat.

Cat Breed Information: Siamese

Whether you are looking for house cat information or any other sort, cat breed information is critical to learn if you want to take proper care of your cat. Of all the different cat breeds and cat breed information, the cat breed information on the Siamese breed is some of the most interesting.

The Siamese breed is one of the most popular and well known, and if you are one of the many Siamese cat fans out there, you will be very interested in the following cat breed information.

One of the most unusual aspects of the Siamese patterns is that they are known for being tempo-sensitive which means that the density of the color is affected by the ambient temperature that the cat lives in. To be more exact, higher temperature will cause the pigment to lighten.

This is definitely a very unique, unusual characteristic that is profound of the Siamese breed and which interests most people.

There are various different Siamese colors and patterns to choose from, and while the original Siamese had a dark brown face and ears and dark brown on the legs and tail, there are various other color choices out there as well.

Another important piece of cat breed information on the Siamese breed involves grooming the cat. Siamese cats require subtle grooming, rather than an intensive effort, which is especially favorable if you do not have much time on your hands.

One of the most popular grooming areas is in and around the ears, and the ears on a Siamese cat should be large and exaggerated. You will want to get rid of any hairs that are too long and look out of place, and also trim other areas on the body of the cat if you want to emphasize the elegance of this breed.

When it comes to brushing, this should be done sparingly, because too much brushing will end up damaging the color and condition of the coat. The best idea is to use a small rubber brush, which you can find at most pet stores for a very affordable price.

This is just a small fraction of the vast amount of information on Siamese cats that is out there, so whether you are planning on getting a Siamese cat for a pet or already have one, it will be useful for you to learn as much as you can on the breed and on what you can do to raise them properly.

By: Ajith Guptha, Article Directory Author Sites: Homemade Cat Foods , Homemade Dog Foods and Herbal Tea

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